Daphne Bennink

Daphne Bennink
- Email: daphne@ocracokelightshiprealty.com
- Office: (252) 928-2809
- Cell: (252) 928-8032
- Fax: (252) 928-2810
I’ve been spending summers on Ocracoke Island with my family since the early 60s. Like so many others, I met my husband here one summer and have been living here ever since. I’ve been a licensed real estate agent since 1989, working for Sharon Miller at Sharon Miller Realty for ten years. In the course of that time my husband Howard and I have had four children. I’m thrilled to be partnered with my new partner BJ Oelschlegel and participating brokers Ruth Fordon, Jennifer Esham and Cheri Ely. I look forward to embracing the challenging and changing face of real estate on Ocracoke today. Strong values are important in helping to sustain our economy. Finally, maintaining our historic qualities is, in my opinion, also key to ensuring long term health and success for the island. My history, experience and involvement in the community give me the tools to help you with all your real estate needs on Ocracoke Island both residential and commercial.